Search Engine Optimization

Creating a strong online presence has become a necessity in order to succeed in todayís business landscape. This is why an increasing number of businesses turn to search engine optimization (SEO) to boost the organic ranking of their website and generate a lot of targeted traffic. Itís vital to understand that SEO isnít about exploiting loopholes in the search algorithm. Instead, itís about optimizing your website to increase visibility, authority and relevance. Do SEO the right way and youíll benefit from higher traffic and sales. Do it incorrectly and you risk hurting the reputation of your brand.

Innosouls is a Toronto-based SEO agency with a team of highly experienced and qualified professionals. We offer a complete range of SEO services to ensure that you build a strong foundation from which you can base all your online marketing campaigns.

Technical SEO Audit

The first step in optimizing any website is conducting a technical SEO audit. This process involves checking all aspects of the website in order to determine where changes or adjustments need to be made. Itís worthy to note that this doesnít only include optimizing title tags, checking for duplicate content and verifying indexed pages. An SEO audit also includes building the right site architecture, removing error pages and enhancing page load speed. Through this process, you can determine the exact services you need to increase your chances of appearing on the first page of Google.

Keyword Research

Google has gotten a lot smarter over the years, thanks to their ever-evolving search algorithm. Gone are the days when you can simply stuff keywords in your content and see it soar through the rankings within a couple of days. Now, you should also be smarter in selecting what keywords will bring the most traffic and sales. Our keyword research experts will make sure that the keywords targeted do not only receive decent search volume but also show high commercial intent. This increases your chances of in laser-targeted traffic instead of attracting online visitors that are not likely to convert.

Content Marketing

The classic SEO saying “content is king” continues to be repeated within various online communities, and for good reason. Content can either make or break an SEO campaign. Even if youíre ranking prominently on the first page of Google, you canít expect to get high conversion rates if you fail to follow through with high quality content. This is why we put great emphasis on an effective content creation strategy, one that satisfies user queries and compels prospective customers to choose your business over your competitors

On-Site SEO

Every website has a multitude of different on-page elements, and each one of them influence your ability to rank on the search listings in one way or another. Contrary to what many webmasters think, this process isnít all about getting your keyword density right and optimizing meta tags. Thereís a lot more to on-site SEO including optimizing URL structures, using heading tags, adding rich media, schema markup, employing responsive design, boosting site speed and enhancing dwell times. It is necessary to go through this checklist before moving on to off-site SEO techniques.

Link Building

Many marketing gurus consider links to be the most influential ranking factor. Even Google says that links are among the top three ranking signals, alongside content and RankBrain algorithm. But as marketing agency, we understands that a comprehensive approach is necessary to achieve optimal results. Our link building strategies revolves around creating the most authoritative and relevant backlinks for your industry. So if youíre trying to rank locally, youíll get links from highly trusted domains to boost your authority and credibility.

Google Penalty Removal

As mentioned earlier, doing SEO incorrectly can lead to a a lot of issues. The worst scenario is getting wiped from the search engine index. When you come to us with your Google penalty, we will initially do a link penalty audit and assessment.You can use our penalty removal services to get your site back up and ranking once again. If the cleanup is not done, then the penalty remains — so there is no choice but to remove/disavow your bad links. This doesnít only include boosting your organic rankings but also improving your overall online reputation as well.

Mobile Optimization

It has also become a must to create a mobile-friendly website. There are now more mobile internet users compared to desktop users, and the gap widens every single year. Itís necessary to use responsive web design to provide the best possible user experience for your mobile visitors.

Aligning your PPC and SEO strategies provides several benefits. The most obvious is enhanced visibility. By ranking for organic search terms with high commercial intent and appearing on paid search as well, youíll be able to maximize online exposure and attract more targeted customers.

We Do More

SEO is an important part of our services, but we offer the whole package including:
  • SEO Consultancy
  • Backlink audits and risk assessment
  • Content & Copywriting
  • Blogger Outreach Service
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Reporting & Analysis

If you’re looking for a leading SEO agency in Toronto, then be sure to check us out . We offer custom tailored SEO solutions based on the unique needs of our clients. Working with a company such as Innosouls can be all you need to increase search visibility, improve sales and dominate your competition. Make sure to contact us to learn more about our SEO services.

Hire Innosouls for your SEO consulting needs